Wednesday 5 February 2014

Why Blogging? Why now? Who cares?

...all very relevant questions for which I don't entirely have the answers. Nonetheless I will attempt an explanation sufficient enough for you to determine if my murmurings are part of your particular snack bracket

1. Why blogging?

Recently, as my workload diminishes, I have found myself aimlessly adding mundane posts to facebook in an attempt to fulfill what is really my 'blog need' ~ longer diatribes and murmurings about the comings and goings of this particular arch in the story that is my being the transition from legal practise to small scale commercial farming. It's all law suits and pasture management ~ factum writing and seed sourcing ~ hearing dates and WWOOFer hosting ~ ultimately it's friggin' nuts! nuts because there is A LOT going on (oh did I mention a 3 year old and a 7 year old...ahem..ya.) but also because we are ACTUALLY DOING IT! ...we're taking a big bite out of life and making a difference along the way (the thought totally fills up my granola meter)'s 'organized nuts' or 'directed chaos' if you will....there are no guarantees but we are heading into it no matter what ~ SO WHY NOT WRITE ABOUT IT???? I said to myself....I mean, in the grand scheme of things it's pretty crazy what we are doing and totally fascinating, exciting and innovative too ~ why not share our experiences.....our successes and our failures....why not share tips or simply banter about life's bumps as we plug along on our path....with that I say...why not blogging?

2. Why now?

My life is taking a swift change in direction over the next few years. For the past 10 years I have worked as a lawyer for a non-profit native rights organization that has provided me with incredible opportunities and exposure to such a rich tapestry of experiences that certainly have contributed to my 'granolaism'. I have been taught to go back to the land and what it has to offer but give back as much as we take. This experience has shaped and framed my journey for a long time now. It is time, as my colleague retires, to change my path and honour this lesson in another way. It is time to listen to my intuition, mind and body, and change direction and begin an off-grid organic sustainable farm with my partner in life Farmer Luke  ~ no matter how incredibly ridiculous it all feels it also just feels RIGHT ~ that is currently the story arch of my life ~ Earth's Harvest Farm is beginning it's first full season as a land-owning farm with big dreams! ~ this is WHY NOW ~ it's such a crazy time between raising the kids, building the farm, organizing the business and our roles within it ~ it's a friggin' roller coaster of a ride and the lessons along the way are pretty cool and totally rewarding ~ SO NOW?.. because it is the beginning.....which is a pretty good place to start. 

3. Who cares?

That's completely debatable ~ I can say I at least care ~ maybe a few friends out of interest and curiosity ~ maybe the odd WWOOFer out of nostalgia ~ but most importantly I was hoping to PUT A FACE TO THE FARMER and the farm. I want to CHRONICLE the journey of our ANIMAL FARM for those that currently support us and our future supporters. I want to give a window into the trials and tribulations of beginning, and running, an off-grid sustainable organic farm ~ this is our FIRST full season of owning the 100 acres of Earth's Harvest Farm....and we say LET THE FUN BEGIN!! ...know your farmer. know your food....  

So there you have it. I'm not going to put the blog content into a nice neat little box of summary ~ I can't preface my opinions, philosophies and's just not possible. I can guarantee you they ALL have a granola bent to them ~ that much you can bet ;) it's just how it is....but I bet you'll learn something along the way.....I might even change your opinion about something or answer a question.....or maybe you might just go out and meet a farmer...I dare you to come along for the journey....come on...granola isn't that's not like it's quinoa!  


  1. Hey - who you callin' odd? ;)

    So glad you started this! I think other start-up farmers will learn so much from you guys.

  2. Thanks so much Slowly Global and for the record....I affectionately call you two odd :)
